Global Medical Scientific Educational Research Platform

GMSERP© is a multifunctional web resource that provides high-quality scientific, educational and research materials of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) easily accessible to everyone. GMSERP© gives platform users the opportunity to publish scientific, educational and research materials in accordance with the current methodological guidelines approved on the CIS level. GMSERP© also includes powerful engine that searches billions of documents from national government agencies, global health organizations, medical journals and reference sites worldwide.

Scientific leaders:

International scientific approach:

  1. Azerbaijan National Academy of Science;
  2. National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia;
  3. National Academy of Sciences of Belarus;
  4. National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  5. National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan;
  6. Russian Academy of Sciences;
  7. Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan;
  8. National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.

International Expert Academic Working Group on the Development of National Evidence Bases in Healthcare, Bioethics and Biosafety of CIS Member States was established on december 14, 2022, with the support of the cis executive committee.

Project Progress

GMSERP© infrastructure: