
Preclinical studies

Our team contributes to the expansion of the number of preclinical studies conducted in accordance with international standards in the Russian Federation and the CIS:

  • Creation of expert councils in the field of preclinical research within the framework of project offices in coordination centers in the CIS member states
  • Formation of expert councils in the field of preclinical research within the framework of project offices in the CIS member states
  • Expert analysis of the organization of preclinical research in the CIS member states
  • Analysis of supranational and national legal regulation in the field of preclinical research
  • Development of proposals for the harmonization of national legislation in the CIS member states in the field of preclinical research
  • Development of proposals for national legal systems to amend and supplement legislation in the field of preclinical research
  • Development of Methodological recommendations on preclinical research for the CIS member states
  • Creation of platform technology for preclinical research in the CIS member states
  • Creation of a training course on drug development for students and doctors
  • Creation of a training course on preclinical research for researchers