
Medical care quality assessment

The Eurasian Collaboration on Clinical Guidelines and Public Health Development (ECHD) is supporting the development and implementation of the system of evaluation of the quality of medical care:

  • Creation of expert councils for assessing the quality of medical care within the framework of project offices in the CIS member states
  • Formation within the framework of project offices in the CIS member states of expert councils in the field of assessing the quality of medical care
  • Expert analysis of the organization for assessing the quality of medical care
  • Analysis of supranational and national legal regulation in the field of assessing the quality of medical care
  • Development of proposals for the harmonization of national legislation in the CIS member states in the field of assessing the quality of medical care
  • Development of proposals for national legal systems to amend and supplement legislation in the field of assessing the quality of medical care
  • Development of Methodological Recommendations for assessing the quality of medical care for the CIS member states
  • Development of a draft terms of reference for the creation of a national system for assessing the quality of medical care (intradepartmental control)
  • Development of a draft terms of reference for the creation of a national system for assessing the quality of medical care (non-departmental control)
  • Coordination of the stages of creating a national system for assessing the quality of medical care
  • Creation of training courses (in areas) to assess the quality of medical care
  • Creation of a platform technology for assessing the quality of medical care in the CIS member states
  • Creation of national systems for assessing the quality of medical care
  • Development of a draft terms of reference for the creation of a national quality control system based on the validity of preliminary, clinical and final diagnoses in accordance with ICD 10 and ICD 11
  • Creation of national quality control systems based on the validity of preliminary, clinical and final diagnoses in accordance with ICD 10 and ICD 11