
Healthcare management technologies assessment

The Eurasian cooperation on Clinical Guidelines and Public Health Development (ECHD) implements comprehensive programs to assess health management technologies:

  • Creation, within the framework of project offices in the CIS member states, expert councils for the assessment of healthcare management technologies
  • Formation, within the framework of project offices in the CIS member states, expert councils for the assessment of healthcare management technologies
  • Expert analysis of the organization of health management technologies assessment
  • Analysis of supranational and national legal regulation in the field of health management technologies assessment
  • Development of proposals for the harmonization of national legislation in the CIS member states in the field of health technology assessment
  • Development of proposals for national legal systems to amend and supplement legislation in the field of health management technologies assessment
  • Development of Methodological Recommendations for the assessment of healthcare management technologies in the CIS member states
  • Analysis of the methodology and world experience in the application of tools for assessing health management technologies in order to form the concept of this area for the CIS member states and the development of practical tools for its implementation
  • Development of procedures, regulations, appropriate infrastructure and creation of national systems for assessing health management technologies
  • Creation of a comprehensive integrated platform (including collection and management of information, training of specialists, etc.) for assessing healthcare management technologies in the CIS member states
  • Creation of training courses (in areas) on the assessment of healthcare management technologies
  • Formation of a multi-level structure for training specialists in assessing health management technologies within the framework of basic and continuing medical education.